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  • From Nostalgia to Gratitude

    all of this writing is purely the author’s personal views or opinions and not a principle or the views of certain groups of people. During an evening, my friends and I enjoyed a music event that celebrated various generations, organized by the one of the best composer and songwriter from Indonesia, Erwin Gutawa. The performance…

  • Is a Church the Ship of Theseus?

    all of this writing is purely the author’s personal views or opinions and not a principle or the views of certain groups of people. In any community group, organization, or church that experiences growth, there will inevitably be a transition from the older generation to the newer generation, whether we embrace it or not. I…

  • Can a Christian Enjoy Dark Comedy?

    all of this writing is purely the author’s personal views or opinions and not a principle or the views of certain groups of people. At one moment in 2018, the Indonesian Youtube homepage recommended me a Youtube channel called “Majelis Lucu Indonesia” or the Indonesian Funny Council. https://www.youtube.com/@MajelisLucu One of the programs called “Domba Tersesat”…